"The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello"has not influenced my plans for my short film directly, however it influenced me in the sense of it presenting very interesting and original ways of editing in producing a short film. I was personally fascinated by the animation and analysed it out of interest for Lucas's technique.
The "Think" trailer influenced my short film directly in the sense that it presented a subtle yet important message to its audience. The message in my short film is of a completely different context, however relevant in narrative structure to the "Think" trailer in how its demonstrated to the audience.
"Where's The Money Ronnie?" influenced me in revealing that a lot can still be done and experimented with, when dealing with a small budget. Meadows created an interesting narrative, staging a crime, where the short film begins with the suspects being interviewed. Only as the film progresses is the action of the crime revealed. This worked well by the end of the film and Meadows posed the statement to his audience, 'You decide' at the end of it. He lets the audience form their own view on who's guilty of the crime. Similarly in film, the message is rather open ended and the effect of it will vary on different members of the audience.
From analysing the three short films above, my idea have been developed and influenced further. I feel confident to now take my treatment further into turning it into a full script with an embedded narrative structure. What particularly struck me as useful from this year's film analysis was the distinct difference in how I watch them when analysing them compared to recreational viewing. It was interesting as I took more notice of camera shots and lighting tones, amongst various other aspects of cinematography and editing. These enriched me in the sense that I have formed a stronger idea of how certain shots can influence the mood of a scene, or the power of a character. This will be vital to keep in my mind when filming my brief.
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