Sunday, 24 February 2013

Inspiration For Use Of Fast Motion

I have often seen the use of time lapse film/photography depicting urban landscapes and I think it is really effective in demonstrating the passing of time in an interesting way.
Considering the main theme of my short film was memory, with the underlying message also being cherishing memories in general, the use of fast motion in my short film was relevant and useful in demonstrating the point I wanted to make.
The fast motion allowed the symbolic representation of how quick time can pass people by. I made my fast motion unique to my short film by not having the shot run as fast as is typical for the conventional speed of a time lapse (usually it is a lot faster). Also the shot was different from convention in the sense it was continuously moving instead of being stationary like a lot of time lapse shots.
My chosen speed still allowed the audience to take in the environment being shown and allowed the voiceover to match what was on screen more correctly.

Below is a YouTube video displaying a few different uses of urban time lapse shots:

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